Architecture / Castles

Many illustrations. Odeon, Praha 1993. 1st edition.

170,00 Kč

Illustrations, cover and endpaper by M.Z. Zenger. Vysehrad, Praha 1978. 1st edition.

230,00 Kč

Photopublication. Photos by Eugen Vasiliak. Odeon, Praha 1970. 1st edition.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Photopublications. Haus Bergfried / Saalfeld ein Herrensitz im Herzen Thüringens ; erbaut in den Jahren 1923/24 durch Prof. Max Hans Kühne (Lossow & Kühne), Dresden.

970,00 Kč

The cover is Josef Tyfa. Many illustrations. Svoboda, Praha 1985. 1st edition.

100,00 Kč

The cover by Josef Tyfa. Many illustrations. Svoboda, Praha 1986. 1st edition.

130,00 Kč

Illustrations by Stanislav Valasek. Academia, Praha 1985. 1st edition.

330,00 Kč

The cover by Josef Tyfa. Many illustrations. Svoboda, Praha 1988. 1st edition.

130,00 Kč

Many illustrations. O. Pysvejc, Praha 1934.

830,00 Kč

Pen-and-ink drawings by Josef Koci. Title lists by P. Cerny. Josef Hokr, Praha no date.

330,00 Kč

Photopublication. The cover by Jaroslav Fiser. Tiskova, edicni a propagacni sluzba, Praha 1971.

230,00 Kč

Text in English. It contains 5 historical maps (size A3). Lithuanian Information Bureau, London 1922.

230,00 Kč

Many illustrations. O. Pysvejc, Praha 1934.

930,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations. It contains Das Handbuch des Bautechnikers by Hans Issel. B. F. Voigt, Leipzig 1907 a 1912.

530,00 Kč

Aus Geheimarchiven der deutschen Luftfahrt. Text in German. Many illustrations. Transperss, Berlin 1962.

170,00 Kč

Ein Lehrbuch fur Zimmerleute, Poliere, Meister, Anfanger und Techniker. Text in German. Many illustrations. Otto Maier, Ravensburg no date.

730,00 Kč

Many photos. The cover, binding and typo by Jaroslav Muller. Sportovni a turisticke nakladatelstvi, Praha 1963.

130,00 Kč

Toulky napric staletimi. It contains many illustrations. Graphic design by Pavel Zelenka, Studio Marvil. Reader's Digest Vyber, Praha 2007. 1st edition.

330,00 Kč

Volume 39. It contains full page tables- copper plates with architectural motives. Verlag von R. v. Waldheim, Wien 1874.

2700,00 Kč

Volume 41. It contains plates and full page tables- copper plates with architectural motives. Verlag von R. v. Waldheim, Wien 1876.

2300,00 Kč

Collection Umeni, veda, zivot. It contains tables. Ustav pro ucebne pomucky prumyslovych a odbornych skol, Praha 1946.

130,00 Kč

Nakladem Dedictvi sv. Jana Nepomuckeho, Praha 1884. Volume II.

230,00 Kč

The cover is Josef Tyfa. Many illustrations. Svoboda, Praha 1985. 1st edition.

100,00 Kč

Text in Slovak. It contains many photos. Osveta, Martin 1977.

130,00 Kč

Prehled vyvoje stavitelstvi a architektury. Nakladatelstvi technicke literatury, Praha 1974. 1st edition.

430,00 Kč