Children´s books since 1950

Litography illustrations. Rodina, Praha 1930.

1300,00 Kč

Russian textbook in pictures. Prosvjescenije, Moskva 1966.

130,00 Kč

Illustrations by M. Fischerova-Kvechova. Edvard Fastr, Praha 1948.

270,00 Kč

Praha, bez datace- III. ročník. Illustrations mj. Alena Ladova, Eduard Milen, Adolf Zabransky. 18 issue, issues number 8 and 9 are missing.

830,00 Kč

Nakladatelstvi Brnenske tiskarny, Brno 1943. Typo by Zdenek Rossmann - untypical Rossmann´s work.

230,00 Kč

Illustrations by Vladimir Maisner. Kalich, Praha 1946.

230,00 Kč

I. L. Kober, Praha 1900. 5 illustrations.

330,00 Kč

Year XVI. 52 issues, issue number 35 is missing. Melantrich, Praha 1941.

630,00 Kč

Illustrated- lithographies. Jindrich Lorenz, Trebic na Morave 1892.

530,00 Kč

Year 17 (1933-134). Complete 24 issues.

230,00 Kč

Year 18, 10 issues. Ceskoslovensky Orel, Brno 1935-1936.

130,00 Kč

Ceskoslovensky spisovatel, Praha 1950. Decorated with woodcuts by Jaroslav Lukavsky. Typo by Jaroslav Picka. Copy number 337 of 660 numbered copies.

530,00 Kč

Delnicke nakladatelstvi, Praha 1946.

83,00 Kč

Nakladem Svazu Delnickych telocvicnych jednot ceskoslovenskych, Praha 1926.

330,00 Kč

Year II.. 20 issues. Many illustrations. V. Neubert, Praha 1902-1903.

700,00 Kč

Svaz zamestnancu skolstvi a osvety, Brno 1948. The covers are inbound.

530,00 Kč

Year 5, issues 1-20. A. Sveceny, Praha no date.

230,00 Kč

Ilustration by Ondreje Sekory. Fr. Borovy, Praha 1947.

330,00 Kč

Ist year.. Ceskoslovanske akciove tiskarny, Praha 1936.

530,00 Kč

Biweekly for the youngest readers. It contains puzzles, poems, stories, bits of youths Ferdy ants and many beautiful color illustrations. 3th Year. Volume 1st - 12th. Prace a Svaz ceske mladeze (Mlada fronta), Prague 1947.

1300,00 Kč

20 volumes - complete. Prace - CSM (Mladá fronta), Prague 1949-1950.

330,00 Kč

Year 1932. 52 issues. Illustrations by Josef Lada, M. Pasa, Fr. Voborsky, K. Muller etc. Issues 20th, 28th, 29th are missing.

830,00 Kč