German books

Text in German. Karl Siegismund, Berlin 1910.

270,00 Kč

Text in German. Humoristic book. Schlulverlagsanstalt fur Bohmen und Mahren, Prag 1943.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Bibliographischen Instituts, Amsterdam 1841.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. 19th part Der indische Kulturkreis. Many illustrations. Christensen und Co., Hamburg no date.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. 2nd volume. 12 numbers. Many photos. Agfa, Berlin 1925-26.

230,00 Kč

Eine Geschichte fur Kinder und solche, die Kinder lieb haben. Text in German. Illustrations by Willy Planck. It contains 2nd part. Ferdinand Carl, Stuttgart 1935.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Illustrations by B. Schlotter. J. Scholz, Mainz no date.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Rosenheimer, Hamburg no date.

170,00 Kč

The text about J. Heartfield. Zeitschrift fur Buchkunst und Bibliophile. Text in German. Many illustrations. Zweiunddreissigstes Heft, 1968.

170,00 Kč

Catalogue of articles- dishes, pottery, glass, rings and others. Text in German. Many illustrations. Eugen Otto Keller, no date (for about 1925).

370,00 Kč

Text in German. Georg Joseph Manz, Regensburg 1851.

270,00 Kč

1st part Das Altertum. It contains 2nd part Das Mittelalter. Text in German. Many illustrations. No date.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations. Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig 1921.

530,00 Kč

Entdeckungen und Abenteuer in Tibet. Text in German. Many illustrations. It contains 2 maps. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1909.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations. Julius Springer, Berlin 1924.

170,00 Kč

Eine Folge des Goldenen Buches der Rolleiflex. Text in German. Photopublication. photos by E. Baumann, A. Kornic, W. Ward and others. Heering-Verlag, Harzburg 1940.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations. August Scherl, Berlin 1907.

530,00 Kč

Bilder aus dem Leben unseres Heilandes uns seiner lieben Heiligen. Text in German.Many illustrations. Sankt Gallus, Basel 1910.

430,00 Kč

Illustrations in Art deco style. Text in German. Illustrations by Julo Fehr and Kurt W. Kabisch. Dieck und Co., Stuttgart 1928.

230,00 Kč

Textin German. Woodcuts by Frans Masereel. Kurt Wolff, Munchen 1921.

170,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations and tables. A. Hartleben´s Verlag, Wien 1878.

230,00 Kč

Text in German. Illustrations by Fritz Jager and Ludwig Huldribusch. Franckh´sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1935.

130,00 Kč

Text in German. Many illustrations. There is a book Architektonische Formenlehre by Z. R. Schubert von Soldern inbound- both volumes. Franz Deuticke, Wien 1919.

530,00 Kč

Briefe an einen jungen Theologen. Text in German. Herber´sche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1897.

130,00 Kč